
Jane was born in England into a loving Irish catholic family. As a child, Jane would clearly see people from the spirit world, which caused great fear and anxiety as she couldn’t understand why they were so persistent. Jane remembers from a young age being taught at school that all communication with the spirit world was wrong, wicked, and evil. Jane believed her gift was a sin and chose never to speak of it until late adulthood.

Throughout Jane’s successful military career and motherhood it became apparent Jane could no longer suppress her gift and had to accept this was part of herher true self. She reluctantly, carrying strong childhood fears, continued her spiritual journey where she was led to kind, nurturing, and selfless people who taught her how to control, develop, and embrace her gifts in a safe environment. Through a long, hard, and strangely enjoyable journey, Jane has learnt to trust her gifts and feels humbled and honoured to be used as a channel for the spirit world.

Jane accepts that not everyone will believe or embrace her and those that carry fear in their hearts will shudder at the thought of her and her gifts, but that’s okay. It’s important to live this short time on earth being kind to others and most important, being the true you and finding a way to love yourself for whoever you are. We are not supposed to fit into perfect boxes nor should we try. So much energy is lost on trying to conform to others’ expectations, which is exhausting and a waste of our valuable time.

Finally, Jane is able to see the beauty, healing, and honour of her work and is humbled to be able to share her channelled writings.